Monday, July 20, 2009

I watch crappy TV.

Look at those smiles. Could there be a better show to watch on your mornings off? It's comfort TV. The mashed potatoes of TV. Except mashed potatoes are delicious, and this show technically sucks. But now that I live alone, I'm not torturing others with crappy TV - only myself. Some walk around naked; I watch Full House.
For my own self-justification, I loved it as a kid, and true love lasts a lifetime. There's something about brainless, predictable, hug-filled TV that just feels so right. It doesn't matter that Bob Saget would later go on to make stuff like this. Wake Up San Francisco? Comet the dog? Life lessons queued to music? Gag me, but you just can't beat it.
Full House was also probably the start of Kori's and my Olsen twin cult following (what is the correct way to say that? It's not "Kori and I's" is it? Irrelevant). We wrote them a letter circa 1995 saying (lying) that we were twins also, so we should be pen-pals. We also owned and/or rented all of their videos (featuring the Olsen & Olsen Mystery Agency, I Am the Cute One, slumber parties involving coordinated song and dance and staying up til midnight, etc etc), bought all of their movies (plot summaries: exotic location, boys in love with them, wardrobe changes, and a plot-line for the last 15 to 20 minutes of each movie. After they kiss their respective boys), blindly defended them against all of the cocaine accusations (we're kidding ourselves), and made a last-minute Walmart run to buy accessories to dress like them for the Spirits/Iron Spikes Lifestyles of the Rich and the Famous mixer.
...or maybe that last one was just me.
and Emily. The Ashley to my Mary-Kate.
I'd like to post a picture, but those pics would be from my pre-Mac days. I don't want to hunt through my giant folder of old disorganized documents. None of the pictures have thumbnails, etc. I digress.
Incase you were wondering, the episode I caught today was the one where Joey was Mr. Egghead and accidentally breaks Stephanie's nose. Classic.
On a similar note, if The Wonder Years ever comes back on TV, I might have to quit my job to make time for it.

1 comment:

  1. 1. awkwardly as it sounds, i do believe it is kori and my, because duh you wouldn't say "I olsen obsession". although, it'd be way funny if you did say it that way.
    2. Little house on the Prarie is my Full House. Interestingly enough, I did catch part of F.H. today, we were unknowingly watching together as steph hid in the closet with her broken nose and pb&j sandwhich.
    3. bwhahahaha you were an awesome ashley. those were the days. p.s. let me please org your pics. i LIVE for that kind of stuff!
    4. if you get a little 4G storage device, I can hook you up with every season of Wonder Years, including the special two hour movies when they are all grown up.
    5. we are gonna need to start planning sleepovers, because i am (almost) no longer a resident of Austin! :(
